Family Resource Center Ribbon Cutting
Family Resource Center Ribbon Cutting
Economic Assistance Support 1st and 3rd Wed
Hope in a Hopeless World 2nd and 4th Thursdays

Family Resource Center

What is a FRC?

Welcome to Main Street Family Services! The Family Resource Center (FRC) is here to support your family. When families struggle to access basic things the whole family suffers, including children.  Main Street desires to create a future where Every Family Flourishes and every child experiences a safe, loving, and nurturing home.

At the Family Resource Center, we provide a safe place where your family can connect with both services and support. Our programs are tailored to reflect the needs of the families in our community. We aim to be a one-stop shop, where your family can find help navigating how to access the support and services you need – right here, all under one roof.

Our goal is to help create stability for your family by helping you connect with community resources like schools, other local non-profit services, our community partners, government agencies, and faith communities. We want to help you, our neighbor, meet your needs and provide skills and resources so you can be at peace that you have what you need for your family.

Together with you we will build a stronger, healthier, and connected community where Every Family Flourishes!

Click here for our calendar of events.

Would you like to have someone to talk to about how the Family Resource Center can help?

The Family Resource Center partners with many community organizations. We can help families navigate complex systems and help your family know where to turn.

We have a variety of services and activities at the Family Resource Center. There is something for everyone and every need. Check out our calendar!

Do you want to support the Family Resource Center? Find out ways you can support this important work in our community. We would love for you to join us!

5 Protective Factors

At Main Street Family Services, we believe in the power of families and the potential of every child. Our approach is based on the Strengthening Families framework, which focuses on five Protective Factors that are key to family stability and child well-being:

  1. Parental Resilience: We support parents in building their capacity to cope with life’s ups and downs, helping them bounce back from challenges and grow stronger.
  2. Social Connections: We foster a network of positive relationships for families, providing emotional support and practical help from friends, family, and neighbors.
  3. Concrete Support in Times of Need: We ensure families have access to basic necessities like food and housing and services like healthcare and counseling during times of stress.
  4. Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development: We provide parents with information and resources about how children grow and learn, helping them to respond effectively to their child’s changing needs.
  5. Healthy Social and Emotional Development in Young Children: We promote nurturing relationships between parents and children, which are crucial for a child’s emotional well-being and overall development.
classes for parent support 1

Resilience grows not from the absence of struggle, but from the presence of support.

Dr. Nicole Wilke